Historischer Wanderweg Sand

von Manfred Dasbach und Udo Harler

Kapitel 7
Die alte Kölnische Straße

Seiten 26 - 27

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flagge eng 7: The old road to Cologne
From the chapel we enjoy a magnificent view down over Cologne Bay. The local researcher Anton Jux had became enthusiastic about the beauty of the place: “In these picturesque surroundings the hiker still likes to take a rest where in former times the carter allowed his horses a well-deserved break. This all the more as the nearby pub – the old house with its wooden panelling on the other side of the street in the direction of Sand – offered a good excuse for taking a ploughman’s lunch and for exchanging news”. Both the carters and horses had well earned the rest, because the climb up on unmade ways was the equivalent of slave work. Arriving from Cologne along the Lerbach and then at Oberlerbach through a hollow way and up across fields to the chapel the old road to Cologne takes you to Herkenrath and from there to the County of Berg (Bergisches Land). In those days the road between Sand and Herkenrath still took a detour leading through Halfendombach and Hombach. It is only in the mid nineteenth century that the present road was built, called ‘police way’ by the local population.

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